Making web pages

Here's an example of the Markdown for a simple page:

# British Breakfasts

This is a page about breakfast.

Common choices for a tasty breakfast:

- *English:* Bacon (chunky), eggs (fried), beans...
- *Scottish:* Lorne sausage, potato scones, haggis...

## English breakfasts

The traditional English breakfast (or "fry up")...

Let's break this example down a bit:

  • Every web page should have a main heading. In Markdown you can create the heading tag by starting the line with a # character (equivalent to an h1 tag in HTML).
  • The heading is followed by two paragraphs and a bulleted list.
  • Finally there's a second level heading (equivalent to an h2 tag) and another paragraph.

See the markdown cheat sheet for a more in depth look at how you can format your text.

Choosing a URL

The page's URL will be created from the name of the file; if you save the page to a file called apple-pie.mdown inside the content/pages/pudding/ directory, it will be served from

If your page needs more than one word in the URL we recommend that you separate those words with hyphens. Some people prefer underscores, but hyphens have two clear advantages:

  1. Underscores can be confused with spaces when viewed in underlined hyperlinks.
  2. Underscores may lose some of the SEO benefit of user friendly URLs; search engines often see a hyphen as a word separator and an underscore as part of the word. I'm fairly sure that there's not a lot of demand on the net for "apple_pie".