
Nesta reads its configuration from the config/config.yml file. A default configuration file is created automatically when you generate your web site with the nesta new command.

  1. The Atom feed

    Atom feeds support the specification of contact details for the person/organisation that is responsible for the articles in the feed.

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  2. Using Google Analytics

    Google's free analytics software is a great way to keep track of how many people are using your web site, and it's very easy to configure. You just add the "web property ID" that Google give you when you sign up to the config file...

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  3. Environment variables

    Under some circumstances you might prefer to configure Nesta via environment variables, rather than by storing data in your config.yml file. For example, you might not want to store secret values in the config file.

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  4. Customising the 'Read more' links

    When the summary of a page or article is displayed on the home page or a category page, there is a link underneath the summary to the full article. By default this link contains the text 'Continue reading', but if you'd like to use a different phrase you can set your own default in the config file.

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  5. Customising the error pages

    Because Nesta is written in Sinatra, errors (such as "404 not found") are handled in just the same way that they are in Sinatra. Nesta ships with simple messages to explain to your visitors that something went wrong, but it never hurts to personalise your error page.

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Articles on Configuration