Adding author biographies to articles
Imagine for a moment that multiple people contribute to your site's blog. In return for providing you with content, authors expect a bit of publicity and a link back to their own site from the bottom of their article.
Once a blogger has written a couple of posts for you you'll find yourself wanting to re-use their biography, photo and links on each of their articles. What's the best way to do this with Nesta?
There are a couple of approaches you can take, but I really like the way that Adam and Wynn are doing it on
Here's what you do (as Adam explained it to me):
- Add some custom metadata to each blog post that identifies the author.
- Create a Haml template for each author in your
folder that contains the HTML for their bio, link and photo. - Update your page template (e.g.
) and get it to check whether the page has an author. If an author is defined, render the relevant author's bio.
So your blog post might look this:
Author: Adam Stacoviak
Date: 28 August 2011
Categories: adam-stacoviak, projects
Summary: Twitter’s “Bootstrap” is a HOT topic…
# Sass Twitter Bootstrap
Twitter’s “Bootstrap” is a HOT topic…
Then add the markup for the author's bio to a new template in the views
folder. Give the template a name that can be derived from the author's
name. I'd recommend converting it to lower case and replacing spaces
with underscores, to give views/adam_stacoviak.haml
Let's add a custom helper to app.rb
that will render our author's
template for us. Define author_biography
in your app.rb
module Nesta
class App
def author_biography(name = nil)
name ||= @page.metadata('author')
if name
template = name.downcase.gsub(/\W+/, '_').to_sym
haml template, :layout => false
In your views/page.haml
file add a snippet of Haml where you'd like to
display the bio (it might make sense to insert it after the line that
calls @page.to_html
= author_biography
If you're wondering what that optional name
argument to
is there for, read on...
Create a page for each author
If you take another look at the metadata for the example post above
you'll see that the post has been added to the adam-stacoviak category.
That means that it will automatically be listed on a page at the URL
. Wouldn't it be nice if you include the bio at the top
of that page? The easiest way to do it would be to create
as a Haml page in content/pages
and include the
biography like this:
Category: authors
%h1 Adam Stacoviak
= author_biography('Adam Stacoviak')
Nesta will automatically insert all the pages in the author's category for you, beneath the bio.