Writing Nesta plugins

Nesta plugins are distributed as Ruby gems. They're easy to create and easy to install.

Getting started

The nesta command can create a new plugin for you:

$ nesta plugin:create my-feature

It will create a new Ruby gem folder called nesta-plugin-my-feature with some boilerplate Ruby files for you to add your code to.

Quick tour of the files

There are only three files in the top level of your plugin; .gemspec, Gemfile, and Rakefile.

$ ls
Gemfile                     lib/
Rakefile                    nesta-plugin-my-feature.gemspec

The Gemfile allows you to install your gem's dependencies with Bundler. The Rakefile provides a couple of Rake tasks to build and install the gem.

All the action happens inside the lib/ folder.

$ ls lib/ lib/nesta-plugin-my-feature/
nesta-plugin-my-feature/    nesta-plugin-my-feature.rb

init.rb     version.rb

When Ruby loads your gem it will automatically require the lib/nesta-plugin-my-feature.rb file. You'll also find init.rb and version.rb files inside the lib/nesta-plugin-my-feature/ folder.

version.rb is where you specify your gem's version number.

init.rb is where you put your code, and is the only file you need to edit.

Writing your plugin's code

The short version is "add everyting to init.rb".

Writing your code

This is what the default init.rb file looks like, at the time of writing:

module Nesta
  module Plugin
    module My::Feature
      module Helpers
        # If your plugin needs any helper methods,
        # add them here...

      # Add classes and methods here, within the
      # My::Feature module.

  class App
    helpers Nesta::Plugin::My::Feature::Helpers

You can add anything you like inside the App class (just as you would inside an app.rb file in your own site). You can also add new classes, but its best to keep those inside your plugin's own namespace so that they can't clash with modules from other plugins.

You can also modify existing models by "monkey patching" Nesta's own classes. For example, the end of your init.rb file could end up looking something like this:

  class App
    helpers Nesta::Plugin::My::Feature::Helpers

  class Page
    def awesome?

If your plugin has a lot of code feel free to split it up into separate files and require them from within init.rb.

How plugins get loaded

This section is only here in case you're interested in how it works; you can skip it without losing any sleep.

When Nesta starts up Ruby reads config.ru, which tells it to fire up Bundler and read the Gemfile. Bundler then requires all the gems in Gemfile which loads the nesta gem, and then your plugin's gem.

At this point Nesta hasn't really been loaded fully (that won't happen until Ruby gets a few lines further down in config.ru) so it's not a good time for a plugin to try and modify Nesta.

Instead, plugins just register themselves with Nesta so that Nesta knows that they're there, and can load the plugin's actual code once Nesta is ready. This is why lib/nesta-plugin-my-feature.rb only contains this line:


The final step is when Nesta loads lib/nesta-plugin-my-feature/init.rb, at which point you can expect all of Nesta's classes and routes to have been defined.

Development tips

You'll obviously need a Nesta project to test the plugin with.

Add your plugin to the site's Gemfile and run Bundler:

$ cd path/to/site
$ echo 'gem "nesta-plugin-my-feature", \
    :path => "../nesta-plugin-my-feature"' >> Gemfile
$ bundle

Note the :path option which tells Bundler to load the gem from the folder on your file system. Using this option means that the changes you make to the plugin's source will immediately be reflected when you reload pages in your test site (so long as you start your site with mr-sparkle).

Fire up your site and see if the plugin works as intended.

Building the gem

Open the .gemspec file in a text editor and replace the placeholder summary and description with text that describes your plugin:

$ cd nesta-plugin-my-feature
$ vi nesta-plugin-my-feature.gemspec

Your .gemspec comes preconfigured with Nesta and Rake as dependencies, so let's start by installing the bundle:

$ bundle install

Now we can run a Rake task to build the plugin's gem. Your .gem file will be created inside a pkg/ folder.

$ rake build

If you want to build and install in one step you can also run:

$ rake install

Releasing your plugin

Releasing as a Git repository

Releasing a gem via a git repository is easy. Push your gem to a remote git repository (e.g. on GitHub) and then tell Bundler (in your site's Gemfile) to install the gem from a git repository, like so:

gem "nesta-plugin-my-feature", 
    :git => "git://github.com/user/nesta-plugin-my-feature.git"

Releasing via rubygems.org

If your plugin is only for your own use, and others wouldn't find it particularly useful, please distribute it as Git repository rather than via rubygems.org. There are two reasons for this:

  1. Distributing with Git is easier and quicker for you, and
  2. People who are looking for useful plugins won't have to search through a smorgasbord of irrelevant gems in order to find plugins that will be useful to them.

This convention will also mean that we can query Rubygems to see what plugins have been released for general use:

$ gem list -r nesta-plugin

Okay, assuming your plugin is one for sharing, this is how you release it to rubygems.org:

  • Set the correct version number in version.rb.
  • Run bundle to make sure that everything is up to date.
  • Commit any outstanding changes to your Git repository.
  • Run rake release.

You'll need to register an account with rubygems.org if you don't have one already. The Rake task walks you through this process so I won't repeat those instructions here.

If you've followed all the above (and it worked), Nesta now has one extra plugin. :-)


If you'd like to add your plugin to the Plugin Directory fork a copy of the nestacms.com site and add a page in the content/pages/docs/plugins folder. Describe your plugin briefly, linking to your README file if there are any lengthy instructions required.

Feel free to include your name and a link to your own site at the end of the page.

When you're done, send a pull request to gma.

Feedback on the process (and the experience) would be appreciated. Let us know at support@nestacms.com.